Press & media

  • TOP 10 BIKES 2021

    You can find there our project Halier!

  • “Brilliantly demonstrating the less-is-more build ethos, Earth Moto’s Hailer is undoubtedly one of the cleanest BMW’s to come across our inbox in quite a while.”

  • “Based on the stellar results of its latest work — entitled “Budzogan” — we’re extremely optimistic about the future builds that will be rolling out of EARTH Moto’s Slovakian HQ.”

  • “Earth Moto is building an impressive reputation for its builds, largely because of its commitment to maintaining the highest standards and for creating absolutely stunning bikes.”

  • “Stripped down to the basics with a flawless stance, it’s a worthy contender among its peers.”

  • “If we were the owner of this fine steed, it will end up as a conversation piece dead center in our living spaces. The Budzogan makes us crave for more from EARTH Motorcycles and we hope they deliver soon.“

  • “A l’heure actuelle, la réputation de BMW comme motoriste deux-roues n’est plus à faire. Mais saviez-vous que la marque produisait à l’origine des moteurs d’avion ? Découvrez pourquoi le constructeur bavarois s’est orienté vers la moto et comment Earth Motorcycles lui rend hommage à travers cette R100RT Hailer.”

  • “Crafting another incredible creation from the basis of a BMW R, Earth Motorcycles have put another checkmark against the models claim to be top of the pops, and it’s on the rest of the contenders to come and try and claim the crown.“

  • “Cette BMW R100 RT millésime 1993 baptisée « Halier » est d’abord une finition bluffante digne d’ une Triumph TFC qui se mesure au temps passé par l’atelier slovaque Earth Motorcycles pour la modifier : 52 jours.”